An account-level look at customized trades within the Smartleaf system
Some of you might be familiar with our demo in which we rebalance an entire book of business with high levels of customization and expert tax management in three minutes.
In our latest video, we take you under the hood and look at the individual trades and customization settings of one portfolio. Once the customization and tax management parameters are set up, they’re automatically taken into account in every analysis, making it possible for you to offer all of your clients high levels of customization and tax management.
Gerard Michael
min read
Video: Direct Indexes Are Better Than ETFs
Direct Indexes are customizable and outperform ETFs on an expected after-tax basis.
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Gerard Michael
min read
Video: Smartleaf Architecture - How We Do It
A video animation of portfolio management using the Smartleaf system
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Camille Carlton
min read
A Model For the Future
High-end portfolios have traditionally been managed one trade at a time, with portfolio managers working off of a buy-list and ...
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