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Christmas in July

AdobeStock_45734409.jpgIt’s Christmas in July! Well, it’s July 25th, which a few intrepid souls have taken as an excuse for early celebrations of one sort or another.  

We thought we’d use the day to celebrate the amount our clients have saved their clients in taxes so far this year. Since January, our clients have saved their clients a total of $171,517,525 in taxes, with the average investor saving 1.44% of portfolio value. To put this in perspective, $171,517,525 is equal to:  

11,442,129 Sand Castle Building Sets
490 Hinckley Yachts
 6 Agria Trias Islands in Athens, Greece

So happy Christmas in July. We think it (and every other day) is a good day to celebrate providing clear, documented value to yours clients.

President, Co-Founder