A video animation of portfolio management using the Smartleaf system
One of our most-read blog posts is Old vs. New Wealth Management, which describes how wealth management is changing. The changes are big, affecting both value propositions and process. We’re pleased to announce we’ve now created an animated video that walks through portfolio management workflows in the New Wealth Management. It’s presented from the specific perspective of a user of the Smartleaf system, but we’re pretty confident that what we describe is platform-independent — that is, it’s how things will look, regardless of the particular technology used (ours or somebody else’s).
Gerard Michael
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Smartleaf Demo: Automated Customized Trades
An account-level look at customized trades within the Smartleaf system
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Gerard Michael
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Video: Discovering Unified Managed Householding
A recording of our “Discovering Unified Managed Householding: A Demo” webinar with Smartleaf’s Victor Pollaci and Stefan ...
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Gerard Michael
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Smartleaf Demo from In|Vest 2018
A six-minute demo of the Smartleaf system from the In|Vest 2018 conference
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