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Personalized &
Tax-Optimized Portfolios
Made Simple

Unlimited customization and optimized tax management.

Super simple direct indexing.

Zero time spent by client-facing advisors reviewing rebalancing, and trading portfolios.

What We Do for Wealth Management Firms

Smartleaf makes managing personalized and tax-optimized portfolios simple and scalable. So simple and scalable that you can:

  • provide every client of every size the highest levels of customization and tax management. 
  • work with direct indexes as easily as working with ETFs. 
  • free your advisors to spend zero (yes, zero) time rebalancing and trading portfolios. 
  • document for each client their taxes saved or deferred, demonstrating your value.

Demo Video: The Advisor Portal    

 See how simple portfolio management and personalization can be.

Download the Smartleaf Overview

An overview of what we do, how we do it, and what makes us different.

The Smartleaf Overview

Easily Deliver the Power of Direct Indexing

Provide clients with customized, tax-optimized direct indexes with no increase in operational complexity. Buying and selling direct indexes becomes as easy as buying and selling ETFs.

Direct Indexes Are Better Than ETFs

Demonstrate Your Value - Report Taxes Saved or Deferred

Users were able to provide every client with a custom report detailing the taxes the client saved or deferred -- in 2021, an average of 3.20% of portfolio value.

Taxes Saved Report

Manage Every Portfolio As If It Were Your Only Portfolio

Provide every client, of every size, with highly customized, tax-optimized solutions, while spending zero time rebalancing or trading portfolios.

What We Mean When We Say Automated

Save your clients more in taxes than you charge in fees.



Smartleaf makes managing personalized portfolios easy. Smartleaf's RIA subsidiary, Smartleaf Asset Management (SAM), can make using the Smartleaf platform even easier by taking responsibility for portfolio review, rebalancing and trading, while leaving you in control of investment policy and the personalization parameters of each account. 
