In 2024, the clients of Smartleaf users saved or deferred an average 2.13% in taxes.
Our 2024 Taxes Saved numbers are in!
Smartleaf’s account-level and (new as of 2025!) household-level Estimated Taxes Saved or Deferred Reports enable advisors to document for each account the value they’re adding through automated tax management.
Last year, the average client of Smartleaf users saved or deferred taxes equal to 2.13% of the value of assets that were actively tax-managed.1
That’s more than most advisors charge in fees. We conducted a case study together with a Smartleaf client. We sought to answer the question “what percentage of accounts had tax savings or deferrals greater than their fees?"
The answer: 68% of their accounts saved or deferred more in taxes than paid in fees, with that number rising to 90% on a dollar-weighted basis. Learn more in the full case study here.
The total taxes saved in 2024 was $538,725,435.24. Here are just a few things you could buy with those savings:
26,936,271 ChatGPT Plus subscriptions
567,079 Olympic Gold Medals (athleticism not included)
4,020,339 shares of NVIDIA
4,489,378 Jayson Tatum jerseys
67 30-second ads during Super Bowl LIX
To learn more about our Estimated Taxes Saved or Deferred Reports, don’t hesitate to contact us. Find more information about Smartleaf's Estimated Taxes Saved or Deferred Reports and broader tax management functionality here.
1 Actively tax-managed assets = US listed mutual funds, ETFs, ADRs and equities.